Joe Biden Unauthorized
Joe Biden Unauthorized

By Mike McCormick

Go to the Substack to read the articles

This list last updated April 6, 2023

List of Mike's Substack articles:

  1. The Evil Obama Speech That Tried To Kill The Constitution – An Obama-podesta Production @ Substack

    April 5, 2023

    "In 2014 Barack Obama surreptitiously set out to broaden his and the Democratic Party’s ability to control and surveil information flows on the Internet with the help of “Big Data,” which is what we now refer to as Big Tech. To help him in that, he tapped John Podesta, the man who went on to manage Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign."

  2. The Democratic Party’s Energy Nemesis @ Substack

    April 2, 2023

    "Russia and OPEC pledge to cut daily oil production by 1.1 million barrels. Joe Biden and the Democrats’ energy policy, drawn up by John Podesta almost 10 years ago, is failing the American people — yet again. China benefits. Russia benefits. America suffers. "

  3. Obama And His 2014 Dems Adored Fracking @ Substack

    March 31, 2023

    "Dig into Obama’s history closet, and the truth comes out. Here’s a transcript of a White House Briefing Room performance by John Podesta and the press, many of whom still sit in on the daily briefing pretending to be journalists."

  4. Biden And Dems After Sandy Hook Shootings Wanted More Cops — Street And School: Laptop @ Substack

    March 29, 2023

    "Ten years ago as Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Democrats in Congress drew up gun control plans to politicize the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, Joe Biden clearly stated having more cops on the street and more cops in schools would contribute to the safety of our nation’s schoolchildren Biden Laptop emails indicate"

  5. Where It Is Now: The Russia-ukraine War – Where It Started: Poroshenko And Biden As Phone Bros @ Substack

    March 29, 2023

    "Piecing together evidence I find in the Biden Laptop with what I saw when I was with Joe Biden in Ukraine and what information about him that has been accurately reported. So here’s a general outline of what occurred between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko to get Ukraine into a disastrous war with Russia."

  6. Interview W/chanel Rion On Her Weekly Briefing Show On One America News Network @ Substack

    March 22, 2023

    "Chanel Rion wields her strong voice for American democracy and greatness. Here’s our full interview covering my eyewitness account of Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan’s public corruption crimes aboard Air Force Two and the sequence of events that reveal Joe Biden as the architect of the kickback scheme he and Hunter ran with our tax dollars going to Ukrainian natural gas conglomerate Burisma Holdings."

  7. Will Maisy Biden testify against Joe and Hunter Biden? @ Substack

    January 31, 2023

    "Laptop Materials Put Hunter and Maisy in Joe’s House Same Day Hunter Authored Suspicious “Research” Memo TEXT"

  8. Billionaire psyop at the Munich Security Conference @ Substack

    January 29, 2023

    " As I wrote in my previous Substack, the former chairman of Microsoft introduced the world to what he termed “DNA/RNA” vaccines at the 2017 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. But one month later, he tuned his “philanthropy” up a notch at the Munich Security Council before an audience thick with foreign policy and national security operatives from NATO and European Union countries. "

  9. Epic fail: the Gateway Pundit’s illegitimate attack on Garrett Ziegler and Marco Polo @ Substack

    January 27, 2023

    " Joe Hoft and the Gateway Pundit should apologize to Garrett Ziegler. They were way out of line with a hit job article that failed miserably. "

  10. World Economic Forum 2017: Xi-Biden meet, Bill Gates pitches DNA/RNA vaccines @ Substack

    January 25, 2023

    " Days after Barack Obama lifted the moratorium on U.S. government funding for gain-of-function research on January 9th, 2017, an act I have described as a poison pill for President Donald Trump, he dispatched then-Vice President Joe Biden to Davos, Switzerland, where Biden met face to face with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF.) "

  11. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - Substack

    Ron Klain resigns and timelines catch criminals @ Substack

    January 22, 2023

    "Why Was Hunter With Joe on Air Force Two into Ukraine and Davos in 2017?"

  12. Hunter secretly aboard AF2 to Ukraine with Joe: emails @ Substack

    January 20, 2023

    " Did 2017 WH Trip Into Kiev/Davos For Burisma and WEF Biz Lead to Classified Docs Stashed in Garage? "

  13. Middle Class Joe’s Davos lie - Every Single Human Being is Entitled to be Treated With Dignity @ Substack

    January 18, 2023

    " Biden was the keynote speaker at the 2016 forum which had as its theme, as he termed it, Mastering The Fourth Industrial Revolution. I’m going to run through his speech and add my insider’s perspective of what Joe Biden was really there to do."

  14. Evil Obama’s poison pill - Targeted Trump w/ pandemic politics during transition @ Substack

    January 15, 2023

    " ...make no mistake, this action was as intentional as it was insidious because it occurred at the same time as Obama, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, and a bevy of intelligence community officials were conspiring to create the Russia collusion hoax they hoped would upend Trump’s presidency."

  15. Wuhan virus psyop, years in the making – Klain, Fauci, Biden, Xi — stop Trump or else @ Substack

    January 13, 2023

    " Evil Dems and Deep State feared Trump and MAGA so much, they had to devastate the world to take him out. Not all Dems, not all Deep State, just the evil ones."

  16. Biden lied in 60 Minutes Interview @ Substack

    September 19, 2022

    "Joe pushed biowarfare contractor Metabiota into East Europe and China as Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca Technology partners cashed in"

  17. The fake Obama-Biden Bromance @ Substack

    September 13, 2022

    "Joe Biden’s tactic for elevating his stature in the Obama White House was to promote HIS staffers across West Executive Boulevard to the West Wing to work for Obama. "

  18. No conspiracies, no coincidences @ Substack

    August 30, 2022

    "Who “helped” Obama craft his 2014 pandemic prediction?"

  19. Hunter’s techies funded China bat virus researcher days after AF2 trip w/Joe @ Substack

    August 27, 2022

    "Mere days after he returned from his infamous Air Force Two trip to China with his dad in December 2013, Hunter Biden, along with his Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners pals, began a long, intimate, and lucrative business relationship with biowarfare contractor Metabiota — at the very same time its scientists were collaborating on research with virologists associated with Wuhan Institute of Virology and EcoHealth Alliance."

  20. Fauci, Klain, the GOF pause, Ecohealth Alliance, & VP Joe Biden’s biowarfare ambitions @ Substack

    August 22, 2022

    "In May 2021, I interviewed RADM Dr. Stephen Redd about a series of unusual meetings I noticed in the Obama White House visitor logs. He was generous with his time and recollections. Since that interview, evidence I have seen in the Hunter Biden Laptop casts a sinister pall over the meetings we discussed and the chain of events they generated."

  21. Pentagon Biowarfare Lead Radm Dr. Stephen Redd opines (briefly) on Gates Foundation event 201 and the World Health Organization @ Substack

    August 18, 2022

    "For those who aren’t familiar, Event 201 was a table-top exercise held just around the corner from Trump Tower at the Pierre Hotel on October 18th, 2019. Essentially a pandemic rehearsal, it brought together business leaders, government leaders, and health administrators from around the world to lend their expertise to a discussion about how the world would deal with a deadly make-believe pandemic that in this case started when a zoonotic coronavirus transferred from bats to pigs to people."

  22. Fudging classified document protocols in the back of VP Joe Biden’s Air Force Two @ Substack

    August 17, 2022

    "I witnessed VP Joe Biden’s staffers regularly fudge top secret document protocols while traveling on AF2 in 2016. The Dems, especially Joe Biden, are way out of line chasing President Trump for alleged classified document improprieties."

  23. Former Pentagon Biowarfare Lead RADM Dr. Stephen Redd: Wuhan Pandemic not bio attack @ Substack

    August 11, 2022

    "Previously unpublished interview from May 2021: In a telephone interview I conducted over a year ago and am just now publishing, former Pentagon lead biowarfare liaison between the military, the Centers for Disease Control, Congress, and the White House Rear Admiral Dr. Stephen Redd stated his belief the COVID 19 pandemic was not a bio attack by the Chinese Communist Party. "

  24. West Wing tours cover metabiota biowarfare biz with Joe @ Substack

    August 8, 2022

    "Did Joe Biden’s staffers conduct covert meetings with biowarfare contractor Metabiota to fund Ukraine biolabs or worse?"

  25. Laptop emails: Hunter split half his tech deal profits w/“Team” – Was Joe the Team? @ Substack

    August 6, 2022

    "Is there evidence Joe Biden was getting a cut of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) business deals?"

  26. Laptop: Hunter introed Klain and Metabiota CEO weeks before Obama-Xi Wuhan research pact @ Substack

    July 14, 2022

    "This development inserts Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Ron Klain, Joe’s most trusted operative, and Metabiota CEO Nathan Wolfe into the chain of events which ultimately unleashed the biowarfare attack of the Wuhan Virus pandemic..."

  27. Will Pete Souza’s photo force him and obama to testify against Joe? @ Substack

    June 14, 2022

    A Video report

  28. Ed Martin Interview with Mike McCormick for the Pro America Report @ Substack

    March 29, 2022

    "Hunter met with some execs from CEFC. Of course, they were very impressed and wanted to strike up a biz relationship with Hunter who of course was the son of the VP. CEFC was the energy wing of China’s Belt and Road initiative which would make “loans” to poor countries for infrastructure projects. (much of which probably ended up in the Swiss bank accounts of politicians) In return the Chinese now had big influence over these countries and the officials they did business with.."

  29. Laptop reveal: USAID funding to Burisma coincided w/Biden 2014 Ukraine visit – Hunter laptop emails invalidate Politifact propaganda @ Substack

    March 28, 2022

    "There’s a lot of dirty players in this deal. But first, let’s get to the Laptop evidence.."

  30. Burisma exec pressured Hunter with Joe’s secret code name "Robin" – proof Joe worked for Burisma @ Substack

    March 21, 2022

    "Pozharskyi’s bold use of Joe Biden’s secret code name in the message indicates he considered Barack Obama’s vice president under his direction, as though he was hired to get a job done for Burisma. This isn’t Hunter get this done for us … this is Joe, aka “Robin,” get this done for us. Now.."

  31. Karina Schmitt and I Discuss Joe Biden’s Betrayal of Ukraine..on her podcast from the heart of Denmark @ Substack

    March 20, 2022

    Mike McCormick on You and the Truth, Episode 31, You Tube video

  32. White House transcript: Ukraine to VP Joe, "we’re dying here" … from eight years ago @ Substack

    March 12, 2022

    "Evidence I have uncovered reveals for the past eight years, Joe Biden has personally ignored the desperate pleas of freedom loving Ukrainians. Worse yet, his ego, greed, and weakness green lighted Putin’s 2022 crime against humanity, the invasion of Ukraine."

  33. Mike Memoli, Joe Biden, and the Crimea truth @ Substack

    March 5, 2022

    "In November 2014, when Mike was seated one row behind me on Air Force Two, he had an off-the-record conversation with then Vice President Biden in which he asked if Putin would ever leave Crimea. Joe Biden said no. But Mike has never reported it — in any way, shape, or form. And this was a significant statement from the American Vice President who was Obama’s point man on Ukraine. This was a huge controversy, a big story for a journalist. Biden was personally disputing that Putin/Russia would ever leave Crimea, which was what Obama and his moron foreign policy team insisted had to happen."

  34. Myroslava Gongadze, Joe Biden, and the tyranny of evil men @ Substack

    Feb 25, 2022

    "Last week, before Vladimir Putin waged war on his neighbor, I asked global social media for assistance to find the woman seen in the photo above (then without the identifying caption). In the headline of the post I wrote “to help save Ukraine.” Sigh. My hope was she could answer a couple of questions I had about a consequential remark I heard Joe Biden make on Air Force Two during a White House trip we took together to Morocco, Ukraine, and Turkey in 2014. And let’s be clear, there’s no such thing as a consequential remark by a vice president, especially one as weak and corrupt as Joe Biden. But as a vice president who illegitimately assumed the presidency, this particular remark was eerily prescient of what history will record as his betrayal of Ukraine.."

  35. Wanted for information to save Ukraine …from Joe Biden @ Substack

    Feb 19, 2022

    "Corrects Information on Husband’s Murder and Colin Kahl to NatSecAdviser."

  36. New Yorker interview reveals Joe’s cowardly Putin lie @ Substack

    Feb 10, 2022

    "For years Joe Biden has boasted of mastering Vladimir Putin during a private meeting in Moscow in 2011, but buried deep in a fawning, July 2014 profile on the then-Vice President published in the New Yorker magazine is evidence Joe’s purported confrontation was nothing more than a cowardly fabrication... The evidence of the lie Joe told about Putin that Osnos’s published in his article titled The Biden Agenda is in this sentence, which I quote, "Biden recalled visiting Putin at the Kremlin in 2011." As the saying goes, the devil is in the details, and the fact is Joe Biden NEVER visited Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin in 2011. I know this for certain because I was with Joe Biden in Moscow in 2011 when he visited Putin, but it wasn’t in the Kremlin."

  37. Covid: Was it something Joe said? @ Substack

    January 31, 2022

    "...When asked in August 2011 about America’s then fiscal struggles, Joe made an interesting observation about China’s very restrictive one-child policy.... This is what Joe said: “But as I was talking to some of your leaders, you share a similar concern here in China. You have no safety net. Your policy has been one which I fully understand — I’m not second-guessing — of one child per family. The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people. Not sustainable.” Did you catch that? Joe in 2011 is telling the Chinese people they have too many old people..."

  38. Vladimir and Joe’s weird history @ Substack

    January 27, 2022

    " ...the freedom-loving citizens of Ukraine are about to be betrayed by Joe Biden. I say that meaning there will be no war in which America’s sons and daughters will die in defense of Ukraine on Joe Biden’s orders. No, Joe will do now in 2022 as he did in 2011, he’ll simply roll over and submit to Putin’s will all over again. Vladimir Putin is about to get what he wants in Ukraine as now-President Joe Biden (illegitimate, of course) surrenders what he knows he must — Crimea and the Donbas, those regions of Ukraine Putin prizes for their energy wealth. And to Joe’s relief, it will free him of having to explain his connections to his son’s former benefactors at Burisma Holdings,"

  39. Hunter laptop email connects to Ukraine Ambassador Pyatt @ Substack

    January 6, 2022

    "...When asked in August 2011 about America’s then fiscal struggles, Joe made an interesting observation about China’s very restrictive one-child policy.... This is what Joe said: “But as I was talking to some of your leaders, you share a similar concern here in China. You have no safety net. Your policy has been one which I fully understand — I’m not second-guessing — of one child per family. The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people. Not sustainable.” Did you catch that? Joe in 2011 is telling the Chinese people they have too many old people..."

  40. Biden's sleazy man in Kyiv - 36 Hours of Corruption: Part Three @ Substack

    Dec 31, 2021

    "And let me be precise, the two reporters who bought into [Ambassador] Pyatt’s 2015 coverup are Peter Baker of the New York Times and Margaret Talev, now at Axios, then at Bloomberg. High profile, very influential, supposedly respected, but either too stupid or too lazy to ask Pyatt about what Joe and Hunter were really up to with Burisma and Ukraine and what Joe knew of Burisma money transfers to Cyprus that neatly coincided with a nondescript 2014 trip he made there."

  41. Putin Invasion Solves Burisma for Joe And Other Alarming Biden Crime Family Facts @ Substack

    Dec 16, 2021

    "Former WH stenographer Mike McCormick describes his time travelling with VP Joe Biden to Ukraine. Mike uses Hunter Biden's laptop to fill in key timelines in the Ukraine -Burisma saga."

  42. The Joe Biden Heavenly Hundred Lie (36 Hours of Corruption: Part Two) @ Substack

    Dec 14, 2021

    "Given what I have seen in the laptop of his extensive role in his and Hunter’s cash grab with Burisma Holdings, Joe’s 2015 finger-pointing at the corruption of the Ukrainians is laughable because his is far more insidious...."

  43. Introducing Hunter’s Laptop: You've Heard About It, Now See For Yourself @ Substack

    Dec 10, 2021

    You Tube video guest spot on "The No Bullshit Show" with Karina Schmidt.

  44. Body Language Much, Joe? @ Substack

    Dec 6, 2021

    "In my six years working with Joe, I watched him on stage in front of audiences countless times. Whether the gathering is large or small (these days mostly small,) Joe handles himself with the polish of a TV game show host. He’s amiable, confident, and relentlessly self-promotional. Yet here he is — arms folded defensively — like someone with something to hide. ..."

  45. 36 Hours of Corruption (Part 1) @ Substack

    Dec 3, 2021

    "Six years ago, almost to the day, Joe Biden’s comms team and Obama’s vaunted Office of Digital Strategy put together a short video about his fateful December 2015 trip to Ukraine titled: “36 hours in Kyiv.” Given that I was there with him and witnessed firsthand the media covering for his corruption, I think I’d better Substack publish my version of what actually transpired before the facts get lost in a Democrat/media memory hole. And, yes, this is the infamous trip during which Joe Biden took his private corruption public. ..."

  46. Institutional Racism Joe Biden Style (Part 1) @ Substack

    Nov 30, 2021

    "As one of the most ambitious vice presidents in recent history, Joe Biden wanted very much to impress a national audience of Democrats. But he had to be careful. Even in death, Senator Robert C. Byrd was controversial, and downright toxic with progressives..."

  47. Hunter Biden's American Horror Story @ Substack

    Nov 18, 2021

    "What’s important to me is the laptop provides evidence of Hunter and Joe breaking laws to further Joe’s lust for the presidency — because to me, that’s the global evil we now face. And I know this because I wrote a book about Joe lusting to be president and committing malfeasance in office to accomplish that well before any contents of Hunter’s laptop were made public. And now I find evidence in the laptop that corroborates what I published in my book..."

  48. Joe Biden, Pied Piper of Navobs @ Substack

    Nov 15, 2021

    "The kids, about a half dozen of them, squealed in delight and then disappeared with Joe up a staircase that led to the vice president’s bedroom suite. No one else. Just them. No staff, no Secret Service agents, no parents. Joe and the children of his guests just slipped away from adult supervision and vanished up those stairs as quickly as if they had heard the Pied Piper’s flute. I was stunned..."

  49. Joe Biden's "Snake in the Bed" Daughter @ Substack

    Nov 10, 2021

    "I heard him use that exact phrase to describe Ashley approximately a half dozen times when I worked in the White House as his stenographer. And he continued using it after he left office... 'a snake in the bed'..."

Go to the Substack to read the articles

Mike appearance on Liberty Sentinel

Mike interview appearance on Liberty Sentinel with Alex- Newman - March 2023

Chanel Rion Interview with Mike

March 2023 interview with Chanel Rion

Mike's Work:

Substack: Midnight in the Laptop of Good and Evil [2023]

Joe Biden Unauthorized [2020]

15 Years a Deplorable: A White House Memoir [2019]

Children's Book: Young Jesus: Faith, Family, and Affirmation for Young and Old – Brent Tor Books