Joe Biden Unauthorized
The Case to Impeach Joe Biden

The New Book from Mike McCormick The Case to Impeach and Imprison Job Biden – Just released from Bombardier Books!


The evidence to impeach Joe Biden—laid out in black and white!

The Case to Impeach and Imprison Joe Biden is Mike McCormick’s eyewitness account from six years as Joe Biden’s White House stenographer, traveling with him to Ukraine and Honduras and many other countries. During this assignment, he found the vice president buffoonish and unpresidential. McCormick, who made national news in April 2023 by revealing he submitted evidence to the FBI that would impeach Joe Biden, confirms that he was interviewed extensively about his knowledge of Biden’s corruption and evil by investigators from the House Oversight Committee and the Senate Homeland Security Governmental Affairs Committee.

McCormick ultimately recognized the crimes that then-Vice President Biden perpetrated in his dealings with Ukraine and Honduras only after receiving a verified copy of the Hunter Biden Laptop. By cross-referencing materials in the Hunter Biden Laptop with President Obama’s White House website and congressional testimony by Joe’s co-conspirators, plus his own recollections, McCormick weaves a devastating timeline that pinpoints Joe Biden as the mastermind of a kickback scheme with Burisma Holdings that enriched him and Hunter Biden.

Also detailed in this book is Joe Biden’s treasonous Alliance for Prosperity, which funded cartel-affiliated cocaine smugglers in the Honduran government who were then under investigation by the DEA with hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars.

McCormick courageously identifies US government officials who assisted Joe Biden in his evil schemes, including then president Barack Obama. And McCormick names the journalists who continue to cover for the Obama–Biden corruption. Despite all the evidence, he has not yet been asked to testify under oath about what he saw. That’s why he’s written this book.


By Mike McCormick

Mike McCormick was the White House Press Office Stenographer from 2002-2018. World traveler on Air Force One and Air Force Two, including combat zones with Oval Office and West Wing duties, 24/7, staying so late and lonely until the ghosts come out.


Midnight in the Laptop of Good and Evil

Mike on War Room July

July 26, 2024 Back on War Room Battleground with Natalie Winters: Jill's’s Pittsburgh event was a decoy to withdraw protection from Trump rally, Joe is a criminal and a quitter – See The Substack Video

July 14, 2024 Substack – Bongino is right…again: there is a Secret Service-FBI comms conspiracy – who is Catherine Milhoan, what did she do at USSS, and who is she answering to at the FBI?

July 12, 2024 – Why I think Joe puts Hillary on the ticket as VP, and why I think he’s blackmailing Obama for being gay – great interview on war room with Natalie Winters.

War Room Interview July 12 2024

July 7, 2024 – Great interview with Stephen Gardner on Joe's’s choice and Archbishop Vigano’s Vatican battle. I support Archbishop Vigano.

Mike McCormick on Lou Dobbs Tonight with Emerald Robinson

July 1, 2024 - See more at Mikes Substack online – Mike talks about Joe Biden's debate performance and Archbishop Vigano

See all the latest Substack entries at Midnight in the Laptop of Good and Evil

"Ukraine prosecutor whose ouster Biden pushed was ‘threat,’ says Devon Archer"New York Post – August 4, 2023

In addition to the prosecutor’s ouster, former White House stenographer Mike McCormick says Joe Biden advocated US support for Ukraine’s natural gas industry during a trip to Kyiv just days after Hunter quietly joined Burisma, in what he described as a clear conflict of interest.

"Ex-White House stenographer says he witnessed a 'crime' aboard Air Force Two during Biden's vice-presidency – Former Obama White House stenographer Mike McCormick joins 'Fox & Friends First' to discuss President Biden's role in Hunter's business dealings with Ukraine"MSN Fox News – July 28, 2023

Mike was on the Benny Johnson Show today (June 12, 2023), listen to this segment:

Benny Johnson SHow with Mike McCormick

Click to go to Benny Johnson Page with the interview with Mike

Archive of Substack Articles

Mike Reported on at The Hill

Mike at the New York Post

April 11, 2023: Ex-White House stenographer says FBI ignored Biden’s role in son Hunter’s business dealings New York Post

Former Obama White House stenographer Mike McCormick tells The Post that he wants to testify before the federal grand jury in Delaware considering charges against first son Hunter Biden, saying he has relevant information — ignored by the FBI — that implicates President Biden in a foreign influence-peddling “conspiracy.”

Mike at the Daily Mail

April 6, 2023: Former White House stenographer Mike McCormick told that press were briefed on Biden's strategies to boost Ukraine gas productionUK Daily Mail

New story online at the Daily Mail relies on Mike's work to tell how:

Hunter Biden joined the board of Ukrainian gas firm Burisma on April 18, 2014 - three days before Joe visited Ukraine as vice president and pushed for fracking

The call for greater energy production was politically significant – and lucrative for Burisma which generated revenues of at least $400million

Mike appearance on Liberty Sentinel

Mike interview appearance on Liberty Sentinel with Alex- Newman - March 2023

Chanel Rion Interview with Mike

March 2023 interview with Chanel Rion

Mike's Work:

Substack: Midnight in the Laptop of Good and Evil [2023]

Joe Biden Unauthorized [2020]

15 Years a Deplorable: A White House Memoir [2019]

Children's Book: Young Jesus: Faith, Family, and Affirmation for Young and Old – Brent Tor Books

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